Science Tips

Scientific principles are an important part of any student’s education, but they’re not always easy to demonstrate. Here’s how parents can make real world connections to science in everyday life! Share interesting facts A great way to get kids...
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Geography is an engaging and relatable field of science for many students as it focuses on the study of a home we all share – planet Earth! Geography is devoted to the study of the lands, features, and peoples of our vast planet. Here are 6 fascinating...
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Building toys are popular for kids of all ages and help to demonstrate many principles of science, math, and physics. Here’s how building toys inspire STEM careers! 1. Inspiring creativity. Building toys like LEGOs and K’NEX are designed to be modular...
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Does your child spend a lot of time online? Have them check out these awesome educational YouTube channels! 1. Crash Course Kids – This channel is all about making grade school science fun and engaging for kids! The charismatic host, Sabrina Cruz, posts...
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Podcasts are a great way for young girls to expand their horizons and transform their worldview. It is a media format that can be educational and engaging, while decreasing screen time, and can be listened to while going on walks or during their ride to...
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Whether you have an upcoming science project for class or you just want to do something fun (and educational), Tutor Doctor has some awesome science experiments you can try at home! Remember to always use parental supervision.Oil and Water LayersWhat you'll...
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