6 Things You Should Look For in a Tutor

Finding the right tutor for your child can be a challenging task for parents. Here are 6 things you should look for in a tutor!

1. Area of expertise.

It comes as no surprise to most parents that the ideal tutor should specialize in the subjects your student needs the most help with. With younger children, general education tutors are much more common. However, starting with middle school, parents will want to ensure any tutor they work with is well-versed in topics their child tends to struggle with the most. This is especially the case with higher-level math classes and AP/honors courses.

2. Breadth of expertise.

What if your student needs specialized help in more than one subject? As it turns out, this is also extremely common. Students who struggle with math may also experience difficulties in related subjects (like science). However, it is also possible for students to have challenges in a range of subjects, and English/math combination tutors are always in high demand.

The most important thing for parents to remember is that they should communicate these needs at the very start of their child’s tutoring journey. This will ensure that if your student needs assistance in multiple subjects, the tutor they work with will be an expert in all of them!

3. Scheduling.

Every student’s needs are different. As a result, some students may only require tutoring on an infrequent “maintenance” basis. On the other hand, students who are already falling behind may require weekly or even bi-weekly sessions to begin making progress.

It’s important to ensure your family’s schedule can be coordinated with the tutor you choose to work with. Many tutors are teachers themselves and may only be available for sessions on weekends. Others pursue tutoring as a full-time career and frequently book sessions during daytime hours. Either way, parents should look for a tutor that fits their schedule – not the other way around! After all, this is one of the key benefits of personalized tutoring.

4. Tutoring divat.

What happens if you find the perfect tutor but they can’t make every session due to driving distance? This is one of the main reasons many families have transitioned towards online tutoring. The convenience of virtual learning is unparalleled, and the fact that physical locations are not required means that scheduling offers a lot more flexibility. Learn more about the differences between online and in-person tutoring here!

5. Teaching methods.

Every student learns differently. As we’ve talked about many times on our blog before, students tend to fall into one of three core learning styles – visual learners, auditory learners, and tactile (hands-on) learners. Ideally, parents will want to look for a tutor who is able to provide instruction in their child’s preferred learning style. Click here to learn more about how different learning styles affect teaching!

6. Personality.

Last but certainly not least – personality! Perhaps the most important trait any parent should look for in a tutor is having a kind, amiable personality. Students should feel comfortable around the tutor they work with, and this often involves a complex process of pairing students with tutors who mirror their personality, learning style, and strengths.

Ensuring that both the student and tutor are a great match for one another is one of the most crucial components in any successful tutoring program! Learn more about how Tutor Doctor matches students with their ideal tutor.

Find your perfect tutor today! 
