Today is the 77th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6th, 1944 – often considered a turning point in World War II. In honor and remembrance of this significant day, here are 4 creative ways to get your student interested in history.
1. Visit historical landmarks. See if you have any local history where your family lives. Chances are, you’re going to find quite a few historic places in most locations. From classic architecture to museum exhibits, “living history” is a great way to spark your child’s interest in the past. History plays an important role in our lives, and it’s easy to spot on a daily basis.
2. Watch films. Movies with a historical setting are one of the best ways to interest your child in history. Films and photographs can also tell a side of history that writing often cannot – especially the painful moments. Undoubtedly films about World War II and the Holocaust are upsetting, but the educational value they provide towards the significance of these events is hard to match. If your child has an interest in a particular historical event, we highly recommend checking out documentaries and/or related films. Just remember, though – history can be gritty, so it’s important to make sure your child is old enough to understand why studying these events is important.
3. Link your family history. Chances are, you’ve also got history in your own family! Where did your family come from? Make a family tree! Kids are amazed to see the names of relatives going back decades – or more. Try to find out if anyone in your family directly witnessed a historic event (or was part of history itself, like a soldier on D-Day). Or, see if your family can be traced back to another part of the world and encourage your child to research their roots!
4. Point out historic dates. Sometimes the best way to make history relevant is just to ask your child, “Do you know what happened on this day?” As we mentioned at the start of this article, today is the 77th anniversary of D-Day. Many brave souls didn’t make it home that day, but the Allied invasion of Normandy, France was an important moment that turned the tide of World War II. More than 160,000 Allied troops stormed Normandy beach on this day in 1944 – and less than a year later, Nazi Germany surrendered. Like in this example, try to tell a story using historical events to underline the importance of these dates. We encourage all parents to research historical events that are significant to their families in order to engage kids in a more personalized way. History is most meaningful if you make it…real.
Today, we remember the brave WWII soldiers who fought for freedom on this day, 77 years ago. Thank you for your sacrifices – the world will never forget.